Politics as Usual

On this week’s pod, we debut the “Politics as Usual” book club, with a chat about Grant Wahl’s “The Beckham Experiment,” which chronicles the English superstar’s first two seasons with the L.A. Galaxy of the MLS.

We also tackle:

-What’s happening with FMAP, and when Governor Rendell and legislative leaders will start trimming money from the budget.

-When, if ever, Dan Onorato, Tom Corbett and Joe Sestak will join Pat Toomey on the airwaves.

-Whether or not the General Assembly will give Rendell a single vote on his transportation initiatives.

You can hear the podcast over at Capitol Ideas.

Politics as Usual

It’s a quick and dirty Politics as Usual today. No theme music, vuvuzelas, or additional microphones.

The topics:

-Joe Sestak’s appearance at the PA Press Club: did the Congressman need more Navy references? Was his attack on Toomey effective?

-FMAP Armageddon: what happens next?

-Transportation funding : will any of Rendell’s bills get voted on?

Plus, adventures in dogsitting, Congressional race updates and a Man U fan’s brush with death in “Drops of Knowledge.

Listen to the pod at Capitol Ideas.

Politics as Usual

Will his “the jobs are there” comment keep Tom Corbett from the job HE’S seeking this fall?

Will Governor Rendell wrangle the General Assembly back into the Capitol this summer?

Does it really make a difference whether Joe Sestak votes 9 or 10 times out of 10 with Nancy Pelosi?

And what’s the best way to clean off a grill, after you’ve prepared sugar-coated peaches?

We answer those questions  — and nearly get into a brawl — on this week’s Politics as Usual.

Politics as Usual

Ladies and gentlemen….

Please rise and direct your attention to the area behind home plate,

as the “Politics as Usual” podcast…


a baseball icon,

Mr. Bob Shep-pard,

who died this week

at the age of ninety- nine.

We also get into the political ramifications of Attorney General Tom Corbett’s “the jobs are there” comment, and break down the growing Philadelphia Family Court Scandal.

And of course, we bid farewell to the vuvuzelas and World Cup 2010.

It’s all at Capitol Ideas, as always.

Politics as Usual

Your weekly state government podcast is back and — about the same as ever.

This week we break down the budget, which was signed into law earlier today. What line items and interest groups won and who lost? What do we make of the pet projects Governor Rendell has directed state bond money toward?  We also take a final look at the World Cup, and share some summer reading suggestions.

As usual, the pod is available over at Capitol Ideas.

Politics as Usual: a budget special

From the “better late than never” department, the Politics as Usual crew recorded a special budget podcast yesterday afternoon, when we were sitting outside Senator Pileggi’s office, staking out a budget meeting.

You can hear the brief report over at Capitol Ideas.

Politics as Usual

Another edition of Pennsylvania’s ONLY state government podcast is now available for your listening pleasure.

This week, we take a look at the commonwealth’s successful tax amnesty drive, which ran a $71 million surplus. (And no, that’s not a typ0.) We also examine the impact of the US Senate’s inability to pass a bill expending federal medical assistance, and assess the validity of the 14 debate challenge Dan Onorato issued Tom Corbett earlier today.

And in Drops of Knowledge, it’s World Cup, World Cup, vuvuzelas, and more World Cup.

Hear it at Capitol Ideas.

Politics as Usual

Good morning —

I’m back from a week in Ohio, and today’s podcast is now posted.

In this week’s Politics as Usual, we yell over the din of vuvuzelas to discuss natural gas taxes, the increasingly complicated competition for Pennsylvania Democratic Chair, and last weekend’s State Republican Committee meeting.

We also talk World Cup, World Cup, World Cup — and a bit more World Cup.

You can catch the podcast over at Capitol Ideas.

Politics as Usual

Today’s pod is fast-paced, frantic and — well, a bit scattered.

Join John Micek, Alex Roarty and me as we discuss:

-Just what to make of the $30,o00 in state money Governor Rendell is allegedly spending on a survey taking a look at his administration’s legacy.

-Budget Mania — where do things stand after last week’s meeting? What will happen over the next few weeks? Will budget negotiations wrap up before July?

-the 2010 reform-off. The race between Dan Onorato and Tom Corbett has been all about reform lately. Which one of the two candidates is better suited to change the Capitol — and can that task even be accomplished?

-World Cup preview. Can the US top England? Who are we picking to win the tournament?

Find out — over at Capitol Ideas.

Politics as Usual

Hey, it’s June! That means the budget clock is ticking. We’ve got thirty days to agree on spending and revenue plans, pass them through both chambers and get them to Governor Rendell’s desk. 

In this week’s pod, the Politics as Usual crew takes a look at where things stand in budget world.  We also continue to pick apart former President Bill Clinton’s job offer to Congressman Joe Sestak, and get into Senator Daylin Leach’s scathing response to the Bonusgate Grand Jury’s special report.

You can catch the podcast, as usual, over at Capitol Ideas.